Church of Christ (Holiness) USA

Official Diocese Statement on Reopening Churches

Thursday May 29, 2020

Blessings to you and Peace from God our Father, to the Pastors and Members of the Northern Diocese Church of Christ (Holiness) USA.

Official Diocese Statement on Reopening Churches

“I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up out of a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps.” Psalm 40:1, 2  NKJV

I thank God for each of you who are a part of this Diocese. We praise God for your dedication and commitment to His Work in this vineyard.

During these past few days, weeks, and now months of uncertainty, numbers of massive sickness and a death toll that is now over one hundred (100) thousand persons continue to rise. One hundred thousand persons are deceased on account of this pandemic; a staggering number! Certainly, we offer our condolences to those that have been affected worldwide, the members of the Church of Christ (Holiness) USA and our families and friends who have lost loved ones to this deadly disease. You are in our prayers. Then, there are those who have been sick and have recovered. We praise God for His healing hand of mercy. Let us continue to daily pray for those who are struggling with this deadly disease while on the road to recovery. We have a responsibility to be safe, follow the guidelines of the CDC, social distance, wear masks, wash hands fre     quently, and be respectful of others.

There was a cry from the White House a few days ago that the nation’s Governors should open the churches because prayers are needed. Allow me to say that we have never stopped praying!!  

I’m asking our pastors and people not to assemble in your churches until further notice; not just yet. Churches have been a source of outbreaks of the COVID19, and opening prematurely, could have devastating and deadly results. Several Churches and Ministries are defying the governmental officials who are giving sound advice based on science. I’m choosing to follow the science to keep our membership safe and not risk having premature deaths from our churches. 

The National Council of Churches, The Church of God in Christ, the AME Zion, the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. and other faith groups, of which I stand in agreement, are urging congregations to make sure they have a solid documented strategy for reopening safely. Please check with your District Chairmen Elder Craig E. Hancock or Elder Michael Hudson or with my office for assistance with a reopening strategy. Until we reopen our doors to the public, continue praying, cleaning and preparing. A change has taken place and I commend each pastor and congregation for your adaptability to adjust to the social media platforms to continue spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. We thank God for your commitment and adjusting to this change and this “new normal.”

David said he waited patiently for the Lord and He heard His cry. Let us keep on crying to the Lord and see won’t He answer us.

Thank you for adhering to these directives. Keep your hands in God’s hand and keep holding on!


Dale Cudjoe

Bishop Dr. Dale L. Cudjoe, D.Min

Presiding Prelate, Northern Diocese

Church of Christ (Holiness) USA

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