Church of Christ (Holiness) USA

About Us

Northern Diocese Vision Statement:
We shall demonstrate excellence in WORSHIP, HOLINESS, EVANGELISM, ACCOUNTABILITY, and TRAINING as we edify and empower believers to effectively draw, teach and disciple the Lost.

Northern Diocese Mission Statement:
To Empower, Support, Inspire and Encourage Pastors, Leaders, Auxiliaries and Local churches by: Reaching Down to our Foundation, which is The Word of God, as the Source of our Training, Message and Mission Reaching Up to God in Worship and Holiness Reaching Out to Others In Evangelism and Service

Our Core Values

  • WorshipWe are committed to being a community of worshippers who, led by the Holy Spirit, glorifies God, magnifies His Son and edifies His people as every member celebrates in our worship service.
  • HolinessWe are committed to a life of Holiness, which must be the focus of each member.  We will strive to obey all of God’s commandments, apply the principles of Jesus’ teachings, and follow the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.
  • EvangelismWe are committed to Evangelism that is conducted with a compassionate vigor as we inspire and equip our members to be witnesses for Christ by seeking the lost and unchurched.
  • AccountabilityWe are committed to accountability and to pursuing excellence in our administration through skillful stewardship of our talents, time, facilities, finances, and all resources entrusted to us by God and His people, at every level of the church.
  • TrainingWe are committed to training ministers and lay persons to be skilled in leadership and the work of the church, through training that is Biblically based, contemporary in its application, and aimed at realizing the vision of our church.


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  • Email a Minister: Fill out form below

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